Kristin Wyatt, Ph.D.

Kristin is a licensed psychologist and co-founder of Arise. She provides clinical care and supervises psychology trainees in contemporary cognitive and behavioral therapies, with an emphasis on trauma-informed and trauma-focused treatments, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and family-inclusive developmental adaptations of contemporary CBTs. She additionally specializes in the treatment of young adults and adolescents and the use of exposure-based treatments.

In addition to her clinical practice, Kristin is active in providing trainings for mental health providers and scholarly writing on DBT-related topics. She has published on topics of DBT, exposure therapy, and emerging adults.

Kristin was formerly faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University Medical Center, where she was involved in clinical education, clinical service, and research. In this role, she supervised psychiatry residents and clinical psychology graduate students and predoctoral interns in DBT, trauma-informed CBTs, family-integrated CBTs, and inpatient consultation models. She also co-founded and co-directed family-integrated DBT-YA services for young adults and their families at Duke. She completed her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral training at Duke, and received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Hofstra University.